The Increase doesn't Happen as Formerly Aspected
- Southeast Asia: the rates are the same as in last week. But some carriers are short of space for Hochiminh, Manila and Port Klang.
- Middle East and Red Sea: OOCL and YANGMING keep reducing the rates for certain ports. But HYUNDAI increased by USD50/TEU and MAERSK increased by USD150/TEU. Other carriers haven't changed their rates.
- Europe&Mediterraneans: plenty of available space. Most of the carriers continue to reduce their rates. CSCL, SAFMARINE and COSCO reduced their basic rates by USD25/TEU. The implementation of PSS for Mediterraneans and Black Sea will be postponed to Jul. 1.
- Oceania: enough space for stable export volume. PIL reduced the basic rates by USD100/TEU, MAERSK reduced by USD50/TEU.
- Africa: markets rates remain the same as last week.
- North America: MSC reduced their rates. But others haven't adjusted theirs.
- Caribbean Sea and Latin America: nothing changed on rates in this week.