PIL will Launch Direct Service to Eastern Africa
1. Southeast Asia: The rates are on a very low level in the market.
2. Middle East: The rates are reduced lightly. MAERSK starts new service to Umm Qasr.
3. Europe & Mediterraneans: There's plenty of space available. Carriers are still reducing the rates for base ports. But MAERSK is increasing the rates for some ports.
4. Oceania: The export volume is stable. HYUNDAI reduced BAF by USD25/TEU since Oct. 17.
5. Africa: MAERSK increased the rates for Harare and Mature. HPL reduced the rates for Western Africa dramatically since Oct. 18. PIL will launch new service from Huangpu to Eastern Africa from Oct. 31. This will be the only direct containerized service from South China to Eastern Africa.
6. The rates for other trade lanes haven't changed much.